We usually write about wine or the vineyard in this blog, but at this time of year and during this pandemic, it is time to celebrate the people who make our winery a success!

Working single-handedly in the vineyard in all weather conditions is Huang, one of our longest serving employees. Huang has a busy schedule: winter = pruning; spring = tying; summer = removing laterals and leaf pulling; autumn = harvesting. He knows every vine – its age, growth habit, pruning requirements, winter damage or disease pressure. He also replaces vines that are too old to bear sufficient fruit with young vines and makes sure they establish a strong and vigorous root system. Did you know that young vines only grow fruit in the third year? It’s time to celebrate Huang and say thank you!

Working alongside Jens in the cellar, but mostly on his own, is Lincoln. A cellar hand is not just muscle, but brains and the ability to anticipate the next move – all at the disposal of the winemaker. A cellar-hand is indispensable to the smooth functioning of a winery. From setting up of equipment (hoses, clamps, fittings, valves, pumps, de-stemmers, presses) to cleaning tanks, barrels, floors and the afore-mentioned equipment – often on a daily basis. It’s dirty work, wet work, physical work … but all necessary to make that little bit of sunshine in a glass … wine!
Oh, ye cellar-hand, where wouldst the mighty winemaker be without thee?
In addition, Lincoln is handy and can fix just about anything. You may have also seen Lincoln in the vineyard on the tractor, tilling and hilling. Usually smiling and helpful with the farm animals, Lincoln has a favourite response when asked how he’s doing, “Oh, you know, living the dream!” Most days he is being sincere 🙂 So, it’s time to celebrate Lincoln and say thank you!

Behind the winery and storefront operations and logistics is Judy, our office administrator. From bookkeeping to reporting (to AGCO, LCBO, organic certification bodies etc.), processing orders and arranging shipping, serving customers in the store, and answering the phone … you can see she’s busy! Without Judy, there would be no Frogpond Organic Winery (as Jens often says). So, it’s time to celebrate Judy and say thank you!

Our storefront and tasting bar is lucky to have some of the most friendly and knowledgeable staff. Most visiting customers to the winery will have met Sandy and have appreciated her genial manner and wry sense of humour. Sandy also has decorative flare! She is the one who decorates the storefront inside and out for all seasonal occasions and designs and sews very attractive wine bottle bags (available for sale at the winery).
Greg and Christine, equally genial tasting room associates work most weekends, while Janet and Lidija help out as needed. It’s a great team! So, it’s time to celebrate Sandy, Greg, Christine, Janet and Lidija and say thank you!
Our social media posts, lovely photos, and newsletters are coming to you from Gen, a young and talented new addition to the Frogpond team … and occasionally from Lidija who also authors this blog 🙂 So it’s time to celebrate Gen and say thank you!
Please raise a glass of our organic wine to celebrate the people that support you … as we say Cheers and Thank You to our staff at the winery!